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Change of phone numbers of Subsidiaries

We wish to inform you that as of 27/05/2013 phone and fax numbers of FAST SA’s Subsidiaries will be changed. The current numbers are:

- FAST GritBlasting Sp. z o.o. - T. +48 58 712 13 90, F. +48 58 712 13 91

- FAST Shipyard Services Sp. z o.o. - T. +48 58 554 33 61, F. +48 58 712 13 80

FAST SA’s phone numbers shall remain the same


Change of the registered seat of FAST SA

Management Board of FAST SA informs that as of 27 May 2013, the Company moves to its new head office in Gdynia on the premises of Bałtycki New Technology Park. Due to the change of head office of FAST SA, its subsidiaries which belong to Corporate Group - FAST GritBlasting Sp. z o.o. and FAST Shipyard Services Sp. z o.o will be located in the same place. The Company’s registered seat will be on the 3rd floor of the Aquarium building (former office building of Gdynia Shipyard SA’s Board) in Czechosłowacka 3.

You are kindly requested to update our contact details in your database.

Current contact details of FAST SA:

ul. Czechosłowacka 3, PL 81-963 Gdynia

Phone no. (+48) 58 554 33 61, Fax no. (+48) 58 554 33 62

E-mail info@fast.plwww.fast.pl


IPMA Certificate for FAST SA’s Project Managers.

In May 2013 we completed an internal project which aimed at improving implemented methodology in projects management and enhancing our organization’s skills in this field. 

In this time, FAST SA’s Project Managers entered a certification process and as a result they passed the exam and received IPMA Certificates.

At the same time we joined the circle of members of this international organization and the methodology of projects management in our company has been significantly improved and adjusted to IPMA standards. Thanks to our activities, we have increased competencies of Project Managers and people involved in the projects. We have also implemented project organizational structures and effective operational tools which considerably improved communication during project realization. Ultimately, we are counting on growing our business efficiency when it comes to individual projects and further improvement of the entire group’s performance.

International Project Management Association (IPMA) is a Swiss-based international, federal non-profit organization of national associations of project management from 55 countries worldwide. IMPA plays a leading role in developing and promoting the profession of a project manager, establishing standards and guidelines for many experts in project management.

Universal, four-stage IPMA certification system has been developed as a process of ongoing improvement and growth of competencies of project managers. Each stage of the system combines verified competencies and development of self-awareness. The levels of certification create a structure for establishing career paths and capability maturity models. In addition, they promote personnel development scheme for individuals, companies and various organizations. The certification system allows an employer and a company to assign the best project manager to a given project on the basis of the candidate’s strengths.

IPMA provides opportunity to receive a certificate on the international level recognized by the EU member states as well as other countries.


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